This is a response from Pastor Lorenzo Sewell’s attorney regarding the Education Document. Also, you will find George Bogle Jr’s reply.

From: Bertram Marks <>
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 1:42 PM
Subject: Request for Dialogue between Evangel Ministries leaders and Tim Bogle

Mr. Bogel:

      I am in receipt of your email correspondence of January 24, 2020 inquiring about my clients willingness to enter a dialogue. It appears that your group is insisting on moving forward with Litigation. Information is being disseminated which constitutes a direct, libelous, and slanderous attack on the Evangel Church and the expressed intentions of the leadership, members and

      Any such efforts to sue Evangel Ministries or Pastor Lorenzo Sewell is in direct violation of the Holy Scripture commandment against resolving disputes in secular courts and as such has been condemned by the Evangel Church and its Pastor. Any attempt to invite secular courts into the internal matters of the Evangel Church and its Pastor is activity taken by a rogue faction of the church and not the Elder Board or majority of members in good standing.  As such we will seek costs, sanctions and attorney fees if an action which purports to be the action of the leaders of the Evangel Ministries Church or sanctioned by the members of the Evangel Ministries Church against their Pastor Lorenzo Sewell  is filed. Evangel Ministries has no intention of seeking to have a purely ecclesiastical matter settled in a secular court. I Corinthians 6:1 expressly prohibits such conduct.

      As always, I am prepared to discuss this matter with you if your clients agree to cease and desist efforts to divide, take over, or substitute their judgment for the Elder Board and majority of the members of the Evangel Ministries Church who are in good standing. It would be a shame to waste the time money and other resources defending a claim upon which relief, legally, cannot be granted. The bylaws of the Evangel Ministries Church are clear, the conduct engaged in by you and the twenty or so people you have recruited for this attempt at disrupting and “taking” over Evangel Ministries constitutes grounds for discipline up to and including expulsion. The Pastor of Evangel, the Elder Board, and the members do not take their duties in this regard lightly.

     As in previous correspondence, my contact information is listed below. If you wish further dialogue, please feel free to contact me.  

Litigation Associates PLLC

 Best regards, 

Bertram L. Marks, Esq.

Litigation Associates, PLLC

7375 Woodward Ave.

Suite 2000

Detroit, MI 48202

248.737.4444 – Office

248.932.6365 – Fax


George Bogle Jr.’s Reply


From: George Bogle Jr.
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Evangel Church and L Sewell

Attorney Marks…

I found your letter the most entertaining line of legal wrangling I’ve yet to hear.  I believe it stopped short of heresy.

If we can be frank, it’s clear to all involved that Triumph’s fingerprints are all over the activities of Evangel the past 9 months.

Between us girls, I’m curious to the origins of your introduction to Lorenzo Sewell and if you had ever represented Triumph on any matters beforehand.

If so, it would seem quite a conflict of interest should you ever have to represent a dispute between Evangel and Triumph; would it not?

It’s not possible to achieve defamation by sharing the truth.  The only lies are the ones being spun in the counter-argument being presented.  You could start by correcting the repeated claim that there are only 20 to 40 members of our group; something by now you should be well aware is not the truth.

I can assure you I will continue to fight the actions being taken by current leadership until Evangel Church is restored to the people of the congregation.  And this dispute will be waged in both the courts and in the presence of the Detroit Christian Community.

The true question is how much destruction is your client prepared to cause before he realizes the inevitable?  The further he damages this church, the less accommodating we will be in negotiation of his severance.  It would be prudent to advise he meet with the true membership of the church to resolve this matter while the opportunity to do so still exists.

Please remind him of these words given to me for him, by the Lord:

It’s Over!

Turn & Repent!

Your Plans will Not Prosper!

In Christ,

George W. Bogle Jr.

NightVision Minisitries

Serving Christ since 1967

Text – 248-601-2683